NSSL scientists are developing algorithms that will produce estimates of whether the precipitation is falling in liquid or frozen form, or if the precipitation is reaching the ground. This gives forecasters more confidence to accurately assess weather events because they will have more information to forecast what kind of precipitation there will be and how much to expect. Forecasters use dual-polarization technology to clearly identify rain, hail, snow or ice pellets. NSSL was a pioneer in dual-polarization radar technology, now installed on NWS radars across the U.S. Hail Research Areas Dual-Polarization Radar

NSSL focuses research efforts towards the prediction and detection of hail and hailstorms to give those in the path of the storm enough time to seek shelter and protect their property. Hail can cause billions of dollars of damage to structures, crops and livestock. Hail is a form of precipitation that occurs when updrafts in thunderstorms carry raindrops upward into extremely cold areas of the atmosphere where they freeze into ice.