This EULA is also located at %service_dir%/doc/ksn_license.txt and contains the link to the Privacy Policy.
If you want to use Kaspersky Security Network (KSN), read the EULA for KSN and the Privacy Policy.
Change rejected to accepted in the klScanEngineUI.xml file.
Open file %service_dir%/etc/klScanEngineUI.xml.
If you decline the terms of the EULA, cancel the installation. If you agree to the terms of the EULA, proceed to the next step. The EULA is located at %service_dir%/doc/license.txt.
Read the End User License Agreement (EULA) for Kaspersky Scan Engine.
Unpack the distribution kit contents to the %service_dir% directory on your system.
This directory is called %service_dir% in this Help document.
Create the /opt/kaspersky/ScanEngine directory.
Make sure that you have root (administrator) privileges.
To install Kaspersky Scan Engine manually: This section describes how to manually install Kaspersky Scan Engine on Linux systems.